Author’s Guidelines
The following ethical guidelines are mandatory for all authors. Non-compliance may result in penalties from the competent authorities, potentially leading to the suspension or cancellation of publishing rights.
Reporting Standards
Authors must ensure that their research reports and data are detailed and accurately referenced. False, knowingly inaccurate, or misleading statements are unethical and are strictly prohibited.
Originality of Research and Plagiarism:
- Any form of plagiarism is considered unethical publishing behaviour and will result in the rejection of the manuscript.
- Quoted material must be clearly identified with quotation marks.
- The similarity index should not exceed 19%, in accordance with the Higher Education Commission’s (HEC) policy.
Declaration & Certificate
- Authors must submit a declaration certifying that the manuscript is their original work, has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication in any other journal.
- Co-authored papers must include an agreement detailing the right to authorship and confirming all authors agree with the order of authorship.
Submission to Other Journals for Publication
- Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal is unethical and will result in immediate rejection.
Acknowledgment of Sources in Research
- Proper acknowledgment of others’ work must be included in the manuscript.
- Authors should also recognize the contributions of individuals, organizations, and institutions that supported the research financially or otherwise.
- It is essential for authors to conduct a thorough literature review and cite original publications.
Research Work Authorship Credit
- Authorship should only be credited to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the concept, data analysis, and manuscript preparation.
- The corresponding author must ensure that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript and consented to its submission for publication.
Privacy of Participants/Authors
- Authors must respect the privacy of research participants.
- In cases where participant identity is disclosed, clear and informed consent must be obtained.
Research Data Access and Preservation
- If questions arise regarding the accuracy or validity of the research during the review process, authors should provide the raw data to the editor.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
- Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the editor at the earliest opportunity, including employment, consultancies, honoraria, etc.
- All sources of financial support for the research should be disclosed upfront.
Conditions of Manuscript’s Acceptance and Rejection
- 30 days after the submission of the paper and receiving an acknowledgement letter, the author is entitled to inquire about the current status of his/her article.
- If revisions are suggested, authors are required to revise their research within the specified timeframe and provide a detailed account of all changes made.
- Should an author disagree with the decision of rejection, they may appeal by contacting the editor.
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